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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Donald Eric Arrants April 20, 2013

Bishopville, S.C.
Donald Eric ArrantsGraveside services for Donald Eric Arrants, age 47, who passed away April 20, will be held Tuesday at 2:00 pm at the Tiller (Bethany) Cemetery directed by Norton Funeral Home. 
Rev. Hazel Mixon will officiate. Visitation will be Monday 5-7 pm at the Funeral Home. 
Eric was born in Darlington a son of the late Don & Shirley Lyles Arrants. 
Surviving are two sons, Mark Arrants, Hartsville and Matthew Arrants, Bishopville; two sisters, Wanda (Richard) Gainey, Bishopville and Donna Arrants, Hartsville; one grandchild, Bailey Arrants, Bishopville.

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